miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

The power of goodbye [?]

Well, the end always has to come. All good things come to an end, as say Chris Martin and Nelly Furtado, the most interesting thinkers of this dying decade. This blog is a good thing. Today it has come to its end and that’s a very, VERY bad thing, isn’t it? It’s the last post… that reminds me of Björk’s album and that’s good… Wait, I’m talking nosense and not following the essay format at all, so excuse me, I’ll begin right NOW.

Before this English class, I had never used a blog frequently… Nevertheless, I had always enjoyed reading someone else’s blogs and finding out interesting things about him or her, HAHA! What a shame, but it’s true!!

At first, when I started writing this English blog, I didn’t like it that much. But the main difficult, I think, was the time… I like to write, but I take more time than the rest. I was afraid I wouldn’t finish my posts. In fact, I always was the last to do so, or one of the last, at least. Nonetheless, last class, I proposed myself thinking and writing fast, I worked really hard and I did it! I think I wasn’t the last one.

Other thing that I want to say is that I had missed my irony and sarcasm so much! I thought I had lost them somewhere in time, but no! Writing these silly posts I found myself again! Haha, no, but at least I found out my irony and sarcasm were in a hidden place and, I didn’t notice how, but they just came back.

So yes, I did enjoy the experience. And yes, it did help me improve my English, ‘cause I looked up for many words in www.wordreference.com, which is one of my favorite webs. And one of the advantages of blogging in class is to know interesting things from your classmates… I don’t know why, but I like that!

Well, the time has come… I have to say goodbye. Goodbye!

HAHA, it has been a pleasure. The pleasure is all mine… that’s one of my least favorite Björk’s songs. So, that’s how this blog ends.

sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

My favourite videowhat?

Videogame… well, let me see… I haven’t played many videogames… Donkey Kong! That’s my favourite videogame ever! ...And the only one I’ve played, maybe... Hahaha, no. But it is true that I am no videogame lover, so I don’t know if I can write 280 words about a videogame... I’ll have to try.

So... Donkey Kong. I better take a look in wikipedia... I did it and now I’m kind of nostalgic, haha! Its exact name was “Donkey Kong Country”, yes! The one for Super Nintendo. It was released in 1994. A cousin showed it to me like in 1999... She used to take her game console to my house and I started to enjoy so much playing with this “new” thing. I remember myself learning how to use the joystick, hahahaha!

I think I’ve always been such a perfectionist person (no, not since I was born), because I remember I had to collect every single item scattered throughout a level... bananas, golden letters, extra life balloons and golden animal tokens. I just couldn’t but do so... I was like a maniac, hahaha. Maybe that’s why I never completed many levels.

The level I liked the most was where your character had to ride in mine carts. I just loved it! I don’t know why, but I loved the rails and the low lights and the cart going fast... It doesn’t make sense now, but when you’re a kid, you love insignificant things like that.

I also liked so much that level where your character had to swim and suddenly a fish appeared and swam for you... But, I insist, the mine carts level was the best!

Reading the wikipedia information, I found this: “Each level on the map is marked with an icon: unfinished levels are marked by Kremlings (the game's main enemy), while friendly areas are marked by members of the Kong family”... Oh my god, it scared me to hell! That is such a conqueror thinking... It’s like we have to recover what was ours or, even worst, to get what should be ours. Don’t tell me it isn’t scarry that children play these insane games! ...Well, at least I played this one and I’m not a conqueror...

...Am I?... I didn’t notice and I already had 374 words! So I can’t write anymore. Besides, tomorrow I have to get up at 6... yes, tomorrow, sunday. Bye!

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

MY picture of ME, MYSELF and I

Well well well… Pictures steal time and time is too valuable to lose, that’s why I don’t like them. …Hm, no, that’s not the truth. I like photography, but I dislike most of my portraits. Why? Because I think I and my skin are not photogenic.

I just had to choose one of my portraits. I like very few of them. If I didn’t like this one, I wouldn’t have made it my last.fm profile picture. I’ll tell you about it.

It was taken in January 26th, 2010, my 20th birthday. I don’t like birthdays… not mine nor no one’s. I’m not trying to say I dislike the fact that we were born, but I think they lie to you when they say your birthday is an important celebration… it’s a completely nonsense celebration. I would like that we could celebrate just to celebrate and face that we do it with no sense.

Also, I don’t like to be the center of attention all day long. Some years, my friends have organized really funny and moving things for me and I have good memories of those times. But I don’t like organizing anything. I just want to eat cake.

Well, the thing is… we celebrated my last birthday before and then, the proper day, one of my best friends and two other friends invited me to go out to take pictures in the afternoon. I accepted. I put on cloths I didn’t like anymore… a stupid thing I do from time to time. Anyway, my closest friend asked me to make some portraits of me. Normally, I wouldn’t have accepted, but I did because she really like photography and I wanted to be useful… I don’t think I’m a good model at all, though. In fact, I don’t think I look beautiful in this picture; it isn’t possible, but who cares… not me. Excuse me if I sound depressive, ‘cause I’m not. It’s just that what I appreciate the most about this portrait is the context. That’s all.

Bye :)

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Concerts… What would life be without 'em!

I love going to concerts… I was 13 the first time I went to one. I was in first row, ‘cause I arrived at the venue at 15:00. I enjoyed listening to the band live so much that I became addicted… of course jumping, making eye-contact with the musicians (if lights make it possible) and singing along make it much more addictive.

I have gone to concerts by Lucybell (3 times), Epica (2 times), Björk, Interpol, Within Temptation, Radiohead, The Gathering with Anneke as vocalist (2 times) and with Silje.

Anneke-era The Gathering was my favorite band ever. They came to Chili in february 2004, but I didn’t know them yet… I got to do it the next month: I saw two live videos in Rockaxis and I instantly fell in love with the band, their live-performance and Anneke.

I waited 2 years for them to come, which for old-fans isn’t enough (some waited 12 years), but for me was eternal. In the concert, Anneke’s throat was infected, so she didn’t sing like angels as she usually does. It was a really good experience, but not as perfect as 2007 one.

They announced that their next live DVD would be shot in Chili, so there was A LOT of excitement and expectations and, I mean it, they did so much more than fulfilling them.

As I usually do, me and my friends arrived at Teatro Caupolicán a little bit early (around 6:30 AM). When the band came out (I didn’t see my watch, but round 8 PM, I think) and “Shortest day” started the best concert ever, we all were euphoric. Then, when Anneke began sane-singing, I just died.

The 21 songs they played in 2,5 hours (including my beloved “Probably built in the fifties”, “On most surfaces”, “Great ocean road”, “Third chance” and a big etcetera) got me in a constant ecstasy. I’m not used to cry, but they made me, more than once. In the last song (“Travel”), I was crying like a baby, Anneke saw me and, I don’t care if you don’t believe it, I brought tears to her eyes… it was a magical moment, only between me and her.

After remembering this, I don’t feel like talking about other concerts; it fulfilled my life, so now I can just die. Although… I wouldn’t mind seeing Sigur Rós live… haha.

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

My favourite teacher is...

Hello, how are you doing?

My favourite techer is Juan Pablo Arancibia. Well, that already puts us in a problem, because there are teachers and there is Arancibia... So Arancibia may be the only teacher I know or he isn't one at all.

The fact that he gives the Epistemology of Communication course, a kind of philosfic course, is very relevant, but... every teacher that gives the course has his/her own ways. What I like about Arancibia is that he has a conception of education: it must be free, in the sense that if you aren't interested in a class, you souldn't be in it. Of course I would never leave the classroom, 'cause the things he talks about are really interesting and so are the questions he arises. But above that, he communicates them in a beautiful way, as if he really respect people... or, more precissely, the cosmos.

Well yes he has influenced me... Now I'm always making questions to myself, questions that almost no one care about, questions that difficult my writing, because before writing, you have to think (duh!) what are you really saying, so... he really made my life a little bit harder to live... But I have no regrets about getting to "know" him... no one ever really knows each other, but I mean attending his classes.

What is he doing now? Well I don't know, but I'm sure he might be reading, watching some TV to suffer because of all that idiocy, climbing up a mountain with no harness (although that isn't too probable at this hour), or... well, maybe he's just drinking beer and belching, haha. Oh well, I'm sure the "what is he doing now" question didn't point to that direction. He's giving courses in Universidad de Chile and Universidad de Colombia, writing books and, of course (not like us), THINKING.

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Although I think technology distracts you from life, I like it because you can use it in many ways… to destroy the world, for example… haha, so funny. Or… does technology control us?

Well, let’s get to the point: my favourite piece of technology is my laptop. I am not a geek, really; I hardly know how to use Photoshop. Besides, my laptop is an almost vintage Toshiba. In fact, I inherited it from my father two years ago (his job is to be a geek) …It’s even too big to fit in my handbag.

The funniest thing is that I don’t know how to do a DVD or even download a movie, because I don’t have a DVD burner and wouldn’t like to see movies in my laptop’s screen. What I know how to do is download music and I LOVE it! Because, before the internet era, you had to have money to buy the compact disc, if it arrived to the music stores, and when you got it, you listened to it and it could be a complete bore! Now, you can discover underground bands from all over the world. Well, that’s when I have an internet conexion, because in La Serena I do, but not here in Santiago, so everytime I travel there, I download a LOT of music.

If I hadn’t got a laptop, I wouldn’t carry ALL my music from La Serena to Santiago and back… And if I hadn’t got a computer, it would be so difficult to do all the university assigments and write my ideas. I often use it to do them, besides listening to music. That’s why I love it so much! My life without my laptop would be a complete disaster, it would suck even more and I would commit suicide, seriously.

Haha, thanks for Reading me.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


It wasn’t the first David Lynch’s film I saw-listened to. It was the third, after “The elephant man” (1980) and “Mulholland drive” (2001), so I knew I would experience something crazy. It was in VHS. The introduction (a travelling of a highway at night, David Bowie’s “I’m deranged” plays) just caught me. Well, of course the first thing about the movie that caught my attention was the idea of a married couple (Fred and Renee) receiving video-tapes that showed their own house… And then, when I was watching-listening that sequence, it didn’t dissapoint me at all… that mysterious atmosphere… I was loving it. Later, they receive other video-tapes, one showing them sleeping… Kind of terrifying, isn’t it? Then there’s that master ilogic scene at a party with the Mystery Man that I won’t spoil. You MUST see it.
Fred watches a new tape where he is killing his wife, he’s found guilty and, sentenced to death, “sent to prision, where inexplicably morphs into a young mechanic and begins leading a new life” (IMDB.com) Since then, you have to begin understanding this new order, but later… it doesn’t seem to be an order; the film throws itself and you can get exasperated but enjoying it. Lynch can make you feel it’s all an audiovisual experience… I envy him so much because of that! Nevertheless, I don’t aim to even try to copy him.
I take the highway as the life and, since Fred life mutates into another, I think there are identity problems… or, I don’t even know if it’s a “problem”. Well, “Lost highway” may refer to a “lost life”. Anyway, JUST SEE IT!