sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

My favourite videowhat?

Videogame… well, let me see… I haven’t played many videogames… Donkey Kong! That’s my favourite videogame ever! ...And the only one I’ve played, maybe... Hahaha, no. But it is true that I am no videogame lover, so I don’t know if I can write 280 words about a videogame... I’ll have to try.

So... Donkey Kong. I better take a look in wikipedia... I did it and now I’m kind of nostalgic, haha! Its exact name was “Donkey Kong Country”, yes! The one for Super Nintendo. It was released in 1994. A cousin showed it to me like in 1999... She used to take her game console to my house and I started to enjoy so much playing with this “new” thing. I remember myself learning how to use the joystick, hahahaha!

I think I’ve always been such a perfectionist person (no, not since I was born), because I remember I had to collect every single item scattered throughout a level... bananas, golden letters, extra life balloons and golden animal tokens. I just couldn’t but do so... I was like a maniac, hahaha. Maybe that’s why I never completed many levels.

The level I liked the most was where your character had to ride in mine carts. I just loved it! I don’t know why, but I loved the rails and the low lights and the cart going fast... It doesn’t make sense now, but when you’re a kid, you love insignificant things like that.

I also liked so much that level where your character had to swim and suddenly a fish appeared and swam for you... But, I insist, the mine carts level was the best!

Reading the wikipedia information, I found this: “Each level on the map is marked with an icon: unfinished levels are marked by Kremlings (the game's main enemy), while friendly areas are marked by members of the Kong family”... Oh my god, it scared me to hell! That is such a conqueror thinking... It’s like we have to recover what was ours or, even worst, to get what should be ours. Don’t tell me it isn’t scarry that children play these insane games! ...Well, at least I played this one and I’m not a conqueror...

...Am I?... I didn’t notice and I already had 374 words! So I can’t write anymore. Besides, tomorrow I have to get up at 6... yes, tomorrow, sunday. Bye!

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Jjaja, videowhat?!
I supposed you'll say something like that xD.

Karina Ruz dijo...

I know that game!! I used to play it with some friends from my grandmother's house... but... I never was good at it =(

Take Care!!!

Cony dijo...

XD jajaja I don't play videgames... but I know that game, one of my cousins had this game in his super nintendo... a lot of years ago XD

Mila dijo...

Donkey Kong makes me nervous, cos' of the camera style, I can't play something if the camera is not from behind, maybe I'm a lil' bit dumb haha

LuchO dijo...

the new Donkey kong for Wii is coming!

ceol dijo...

everyone has made this homework but me, :( jajaja, well, my head is in other place.

see you pancho